Jumat, 18 November 2016

My favorite karaoke songs

Assalamualaikum wr wb.
Hello everybody, my name Delawati. I am here going to explain about my choice of karaoke songs. One of my hobbies is singing. But I not confident when singing in front of people.
 I like the songs of Taylor Swift and of all the songs Taylor Swift my song choice was “Starlight”. Taylor swift is my favorite singer. In different countries, there are kinds of popular singer. For me Taylor Swift is absolutely my favorite singer in the whole world. Since year 2006, she has been to a well-known singer all around the world. Her songs which about her experiences as a teenager and young adult.
I went studio karaoke every sunday with my friends. Holiday is the best time for fun. My friends and I really like karaoke. Me and my friends his usual karaoke for two hours. I am very happy and very entertain. This week many of task and make me very tired. I like pop songs. More than choice songs. In my opinion my favorite songs “Starlight” very good and touching. This song make me spirit. Even when I was bored I used it to listen to music in my hanphone.
Thanks for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

2 komentar:

  1. hi introduce my name dio Vialli maulana of computer systems department of faculty of mathematics and natural sciences :)

  2. Hello, my name Dela of faculty of economic and business :)
